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Author Archives: Alamira

Taming Hyperinflation: Latin America’s Invisible Thief

Taming Hyperinflation: Latin America’s Invisible Thief

With inflation well into the double (and triple) digits, Latin American consumers are yearning for more stable alternatives. Digital dollars are the answer. An invisible thief is stealing the earnings of everyone in Latin America — dramatically eating into their spending power at a time of rising costs. Hyperinflation has…
What are Stablecoins? Types, Examples, & Regulations

What are Stablecoins? Types, Examples, & Regulations

This article is a part of our DeFi series that aims to provide free knowledge about DeFi to individuals and businesses alike. Read to explore what stablecoins are, the different types and how they work, associated benefits and risks, and how businesses are adopting this DeFi use case. The volatile…
Top 4 Reasons Businesses Are Integrating Crypto For Remittances

Top 4 Reasons Businesses Are Integrating Crypto For Remittances

This article is a part of our series focused on helping newcomers to the world of Web3 understand the value of decentralized finance. Read on to explore the top 4 reasons triggering businesses into exploring crypto for remittances. The world is becoming increasingly interconnected. With a global digital economy on…