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RNS User Interface Update

RNS User Interface Update

By ihor.kovtun

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RIF Name Service (RNS) is a decentralized service that allows users to have a readable domain in any blockchain. In other words, RNS is the phonebook of the blockchain. Humans access information online through domain names, like alice.rsk or bob.rsk. Wallets interact through the blockchain protocol using addresses. RNS translates domain names to addresses so users can send funds and interact with dapps and people using these domain names.
Let’s say you want to send some RIF tokens to Alice. You might start by opening your wallet and asking Alice for her address.

When you click on the send button, the wallet takes the address you input and signs a transaction sending money to that address.
However, that’s not the only option for sending money! Alice has registered her domain, so she can just type her domain in your wallet input and send her money instantly.

The wallet uses RNS to get the domain’s address, it searches for it in the RNS public phonebook. After obtaining the address, you will sign a transaction using the recipient of the money to send.

How do I register a domain?

You can register domains using the RNS Manager. You will need:

  • A browser wallet. We recommend using Nifty wallet.
  • R-BTC to pay for RSK network transaction fees, and
  • RIF Tokens to pay for the RNS domain service.

With this we are ready. Let’s register a domain!

1. Browse to the RNS Manager, and search for the domain you want:

2. If the domain is available, click on register! If not try with another one.

3. Choose the years you want to register the domain for and request the domain. Sign the transaction in your wallet.

4. Wait until the domain is requested. This can take one or two minutes.

5. Finish the domain registration, click on register and sign the last required transaction.

6. Done! Now you own an RNS domain!

Try it in the testnet for free

We can use the RSK Testnet network to try the RNS service. To do so, connect your browser wallet to the RSK Testnet (switch the network in Nifty, or read how to do it in Metamask). Then get fund in the faucets:

Benefits of using RNS

  • Flexible: you can update your domain as many times as you need. Keep using your same domain when you change your wallet address – how can I change the domain’s address?
  • Decentralized: you don’t need to ask anyone for permission to manage your domain. Once you have it you only interact with the blockchain to update it – read more about the service
  • Easy to use: allows anyone to send you money, avoiding using long and error-prone addresses
  • Cheap: Registering a domain today costs less than a dollar. Once you have your domain you can create as many subdomains as you need – how do I create subdomains?
  • Portable: use RNS in your dapp or wallet. Integrate with the service using our libraries – read the integration guidelines

RNS Plans

We are currently working on a total redesign of our platform. To try all our latest updates you can click on “try the new admin!”, at the bottom of the admin page.

We are working on many other amazing projects. We are actively developing our JavaScript library to make the integration of dapps and wallets much faster and more effective. Try the open-source rns javascript library!